This condition is DEADLY SERIOUS and crippling not only us – but also the NHS.
It is currently estimated that about £10 billion is spent by the NHS on diabetes.
10 per cent of the NHS budget is spent on diabetes. 90% of people with diabetes have type2diabetes.
This works out at around:
• £192 million a week
• £27 million a day
• £1 million an hour
• £19,000 a minute
• £315 a second.
And it gets worse.
As people with diabetes are twice as likely to be admitted to hospital. So 1 in 6 hospital beds is occupied by someone who has diabetes. In some hospitals, it is as many as almost a third!
Putting all this together the total cost (direct care and indirect costs) associated with diabetes in the UK currently stands at £23.7 billion and is predicted to rise to £39.8 billion by 2035!
But should we care if all this money is saving lives. The sad thing is that it is. And it isn’t.