The TV show FastFix: Diabetes is on @ITV next week - as part of #DiabetesAwarenessWeek.
It's on the Weds / Thurs 13 / 14th at 9 - 10pm with trailers being aired in prime time as we speak. Whilst the press release from ITV about it is below...
This new two-part factual entertainment series aiming to break new ground features people with Type 2 diabetes attempting to reverse their condition by living on a radical liquid diet, potentially saving their lives - and the NHS billions of pounds. Which is why we started this petition...
WHY? As Type2Diabetes is a NATIONAL CRISIS...
“Type 2 diabetes is a national crisis and a massive challenge to the NHS. But this experiment proves that there is real hope of turning the clock back and reversing Type 2, using this revolutionary diet to stop this epidemic in its tracks.” - says Presenter Anita Rani about the programme which airs during #DiabetesAwarenessWeek

The programme features five obese and overweight patients (one of them we can now say is our founder @DanSodergren) who moved into the unique experimental diabetes reversal unit, the Fast Fix Clinic after he was diagnosed with Type2Diabetes in November 2017.
As the press release continues - the story of what happens...
"[The housemates] live on a diet of just 800 calories per day for four weeks in order to see if they can 'fast themselves better' as they attempt to shed more than two stones (15kg).
While all the participants have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, this diet isn’t suitable for everyone, requires medical supervision, and must not be undertaken by those on insulin and with certain other conditions.
Four million people have Type 2 diabetes and another 12 million are at increased risk, so based on research by the Universities of Newcastle and Glasgow, this programme aims to find out whether the five volunteers can turn the clock back on their Type 2 diabetes, potentially pointing the way to a solution to what has been described as Britain’s biggest health crisis.
Also attempting to trim her own waistline is Loose Women’s Coleen Nolan, who undergoes a lifestyle transformation hoping to lose 5kg to minimise her risk of developing diabetes. Celebrity chef Rosemary Shrager and TV quiz boffin Paul Sinha undertake their own extreme fasting diets at home to avoid underlying health issues and the potential of diabetes.
Joining Anita are GP and obesity expert Dr Zoe Williams and Professor Jason Gill, who is at the forefront of research into how diet and exercise can prevent diabetes.
At a time when there are concerns the NHS will struggle to cope with a future diabetes epidemic, Anita, Zoe and Jason aim to get to the bottom of the issue and offer hope to those affected and practical advice on what we can all do to help ourselves.
The founder of and @dansodergren is one of the housemates to star in the 2 part show.
"I am very excited" says Dan Sodergren, "But as I haven't seen it I don't know the ending or how they will make us all look. Let's hope we can get a positive message out there about people living with (and hopefully reversing) Type 2 Diabetes"
"One of the best parts of it all was meeting some of the great people that have tirelessly worked on helping people with this condition. And really getting to know them and their pioneering work. It's been a great privilege and I am very lucky."
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