Can you lose weight whilst sleeping.
Maybe not. But you do definitely burn calories. Which is loosing weight isn't it?
As Cathy Posey, RD, a blogger, and nutrition coach offered a simple way to approximate how many calories you burn in your sleep:
“On average, people burn about .42 calories an hour per pound of body weight while they sleep,”
So according to her formula:
So what does that equal?
About 30-45 min of exercise, or a muffin!
Which is why at and @beFreeOfType2D we recommend whilst putting your #Type2Diabetes into remission – 8 hours of sleep. Which is a muffin and a bit. Or for us fighting to be free of Type 2 D ... around an hour of exercise.
So sleep is pretty important. Loose that and you might as well not got to the gym at all.
But does it make a difference when you GET those hours of sleep.
Before I got into the idea of sleep as a way of helping put my Type2Diabetes into remission I didn’t know very much about sleep.
I knew it was good for you. And that I needed it. But I didn’t know why.
Now there is a whole chapter or two about sleep in my book.
But like all books – it’s can’t be updated. Unlike a blog. And so that latest research is just coming out. Not that refutes any of the previous findings. But it shows us that:
YES it might make a difference as to WHEN you get those hours of sleep.
This makes a difference – as everybody is different.
It might be ALL down to your CHRONOTYPE.
Which Dr Michael Breus links to different animals:
Lion, Bear, Wolf and Dolphin.
Each of these different types of chronotype.
Will WANT to eat at different times.

React BEST to caffeine at different times.

Get the MOST out of exercise at different times.

As Dr Michael Breus explains in his work. We all have a chronotype - a rhythmic pattern in our body that determines the best time to sleep, eat, exercise, have sex, and so much more.
In his informative and humorous talk, Michael describes the 4 primary chronotypes, and the positive impact that living according to our chronotype can have on our daily lives.
Which got me to thinking
I wonder if people have mapped out the potential different chronotypes to the different microbiodome.
As in the end your brain is often ruled by your gut.
Anything that helps people STOP having #Type2Diabetes is all what I am about. And the fact - I know get to sleep more because of it. Sounds like a wonderful thing...
I wonder which chronotype I am? I wonder which one you are.... Find out here